Microsoft Excel Criteria

Badge for Microsoft Excel

This badge holder passed an assessment of the standards listed below by scoring at least 85% on an unproctored exam on the Northstar Digital Literacy website.

Learners taking unproctored assessments are not supervised.

Microsoft Excel Standards

  1. Open a workbook.
  2. Identify parts of Excel Screen: ribbon, formula bar, active cell, name box, column letter, row number.
  3. Locate a cell.
  4. Identify sheet tabs, create a new tab, and rearrange tabs.
  5. Name worksheets.
  6. Create headings and freeze them.
  7. Format cells: bold, underline, size, merge and center, wrap text, number (currency, time, percentages, etc.)
  8. Adjust rows and columns.
  9. Enter data in a cell.
  10. Copy and move cell entries.
  11. Choose page orientation.
  12. Select a print area and print.
  13. Save and name workbook.
  14. Insert and delete rows and columns.
  15. Write a formula in the formula bar (-, +, *, /).
  16. Use Auto Fill.
  17. Use AutoSum (Sum, average, etc.).
  18. Select a range.
  19. Sort data (least to greatest, alphabetically, etc.).
  20. Create a graph using data.
  21. Save and close workbook using the quick access toolbar.