So that we can best help you, please first tell us what type of Northstar user you are:
Select among the common issues that learners have below, or please contact a Northstar location. Unfortunately, Northstar central support staff are not able to provide direct support to individual learners.
If you want an account with Northstar, please contact one of our Northstar locations. Find a location. Here's a video showing how.
Please view the FAQ response to this issue.
Assessments taken on our public page are not saved with identifying information. To save assessment results, please take an assessment at one of our locations. Find a location.
For help using Northstar, please contact the location that made your account.
Select the issue that you are having, below:
To reset your password, visit our password-reset page. If you do not receive the reset password email, check your junk/spam email folder.
If you still cannot find the password-reset email, contact us.
One of the Northstar admin(s) at your location can create a staff account for you - please reach out to them. If you do not know the admin(s), please contact us.
Please view our videos on Managing Staff Accounts and Editing Location Info.
Even if your admin has left your organization, their Northstar account is likely still active. First, please reach out and see if they are able to add another admin to your account. View a video on how to manage staff.
If you are unable to contact your former admin, please contact us.
Please view the FAQ response to this issue.
Please check out our many resources, including:
Great! How can we help you?
View information on all of our features, including assessments, Northstar Online Learning, and curricula.
View our pricing page or contact us to determine the cost for your type of organization.