Microsoft Excel Criteria

Badge for Microsoft Excel

This badge holder passed an assessment of the standards listed below by scoring at least 85% on an unproctored exam on the Northstar Digital Literacy website.

Learners taking unproctored assessments are not supervised.

Microsoft Excel Standards

  1. Open and close a workbook.
  2. Save a workbook, being intentional about name and location.
  3. Identify parts of Excel Screen: ribbon, formula bar, active cell, name box, column letter, row number, Quick Access Toolbar.
  4. Locate a specific cell.
  5. Enter data in a cell.
  6. Copy and move cell entries.
  7. Format cells and text: bold, underline, size, merge and center, wrap text, number (currency, time, percentages, etc.)
  8. Create headings and freeze them.
  9. Insert and delete rows and columns.
  10. Adjust row and column size.
  11. Identify worksheet tabs, create a new tab, rename tabs, and rearrange tabs.
  12. Write a formula in the formula bar (-, +, *, /).
  13. Select a range.
  14. Use Auto Fill and AutoSum (Sum, Average, etc.) and understand the differences between them.
  15. Sort (least to greatest, alphabetically, etc.) and filter data.
  16. Insert a chart to display data.
  17. Select a print area, choose page orientation, and print.