Interested in learning more about the Northstar Digital Literacy curriculum?
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You can download a copy of Northstar's recently updated standards (also available in Spanish), which define the basic skills needed to perform tasks on computers and online. You can also access a list of standards linked with curated learning resources from the web. Online, self-guided assessment modules assess the ability of individuals to perform tasks based on these standards. Northstar's standards and modules cover the three categories below.
The following resources developed by others address many of the Northstar Digital Literacy standards:
Web resources curated by Northstar that are available to everyone. is a user-friendly resource for test takers.
GCF LearnFree (technology) is quite comprehensive.
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I learned a lot of things in this class. It will help me when I go to the GED classes and take the tests, which are online. Technology is always changing, so I really need these skills. I feel more comfortable with computers. I used to call and ask my kids all the time to help me use the computer, but now I'm independent! If you don't know how to fill out an online application, you need someone to help you, but now I feel like I'm the boss of the computer. Mothers want to be able to check their kids' school progress, and if you know how to use the computer, it's easy. You can follow your kids' school progress online through their gradebook.