Remote Learning and Testing Resources

Remote Proctoring

Screenshot of button to Join Proctor Mode that test takers see

To proctor remotely, please enable proctoring via test-taker request. To learn how, watch the video below.

Remote Proctoring Guides

Best Practices for Remote Proctoring: This guide reviews the technical requirements and guidelines to ensure remote testing validity.

Remote Test Taker Checklist: Editable Word document to share with learners to communicate timing, video meeting URL, and contact information for proctored assessments.

Remote Instruction

Classroom Curriculum

Northstar Tips for Remote Teaching: This guide features tools and tips to support teachers connecting with learners for remote digital literacy instruction.

Sample Agenda for First Virtual Class Meeting: An agenda to use to help onboard learners to a virtual classroom.

Remote Learning Pages: Each Northstar Curriculum unit includes a set of remote learning resource pages that include all of the projectable reference pages and handouts featured in the lessons.

Tip! Visit for additional support for virtual instructors!

Northstar Online Learning (NSOL)

Northstar Online Learning (NSOL) provides self-paced, online learning. Samples are available here:

Bulk Import Feature: Bulk import allows you to create multiple learner accounts simultaneously by uploading a spreadsheet. In the admin portal, click Learners, and then click Import on the side.

Learner Self Sign-Up: Admins at Northstar locations can change location settings to allow learner self-sign up.

Other Resources